Saturday, February 19, 2011

15 weeks

How far along: 15 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: gained 2 pounds
 Maternity clothes: just unbuttoned pants and my B band
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: Better now that I sleep with a pillow between my legs
Best moment this week: Feeling pretty good this week
Gender: Team Green only a couple more weeks until I find out for sure
Belly button in or out?: In
Craving: Subway
What I miss: being able to stay up late
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex of the baby and to start feeling movement <3
Weekly Wisdom: -
Milestones:  Feeling better this week
Your Baby: Week 15
Continuing the march towards normal proportions, baby's legs now outmeasure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably still can't feel the movements.

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