Saturday, February 26, 2011

16 weeks

Finally a picture lol 15 week
Oh and I must remember to tell them I'm allergic to band-aids and tape!
How far along: 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: gained 2 pounds
 Maternity clothes: just unbuttoned pants and my B band
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: Better now that I sleep with a pillow between my legs
Best moment this week: Good Ob check up
Gender: Team Green only a couple more weeks until I find out for sure
Belly button in or out?: In
Craving: Cheese-its 100 calories pack
What I miss: being able to stay up late
What I am looking forward to: March 28th <3
Weekly Wisdom: -tailbone pain is pregnancy related :( Oh the pain!
Milestones:  I think I felt the baby when I was laying on my side

Your Baby: Week 16
Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender.

Oh Babymoon

Okay this sound really silly but I am really on the verge of tears because I really want to go to Disney World before the baby comes and be in the sun eating ALL  grilled cheeses, french fries, waffles, bacon, home fries that I've ever wanted all day long!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really hate that I want to go so bad and we don't have the funds to go right now and it makes me really sad!  I'm done venting even though it's not making me feel any better!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

15 weeks

How far along: 15 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: gained 2 pounds
 Maternity clothes: just unbuttoned pants and my B band
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: Better now that I sleep with a pillow between my legs
Best moment this week: Feeling pretty good this week
Gender: Team Green only a couple more weeks until I find out for sure
Belly button in or out?: In
Craving: Subway
What I miss: being able to stay up late
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex of the baby and to start feeling movement <3
Weekly Wisdom: -
Milestones:  Feeling better this week
Your Baby: Week 15
Continuing the march towards normal proportions, baby's legs now outmeasure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably still can't feel the movements.

Monday, February 14, 2011

14 weeks


How far along: 14 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: not sure
Maternity clothes: just my B band
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: Better now that I sleep with a pillow between my legs
Best moment this week: little belly popping out
Gender: Team Green but I know deep down inside what I am having
Belly button in or out?: In
Craving: Something ice cold to drink
What I miss: Feeling 100%
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex of the baby and to start feeling movement <3
Weekly Wisdom: -
Milestones:  Having a Little belly
Your Baby: Week 14
Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth.

Friday, February 11, 2011

1st Trimester Recap

Ugh where do I start, it hasn't been what I expected but really what should have I expected seeing that this is the first time I've ever been pregnant lol. This first trimester definitely has me and everything feeling really different. I knew that whenever I'd get pregnant that I wouldn't be one of those people who felt great  because I'm always sick and my body is sensitive to change... but I wasn't prepared to be constantly nauseous and gagging from steaming showers, brushing my teeth, stinky smells (that I only smell), food cooking, the thought of taking my prenatal or just from going from the warmth out to the cold ahh all because my baby is growing lol .... but that's not all, I've been really hungry but I never know what I want to eat, always out of breathe, I'm having a hard time staying awake and I go to sleep around 8-9pm everyday but toss and turn all night because my back has been killing already (due to my tilted uterus that I just found out about), once I'm up the cycle starts over.

What I've been craving?
Anything breakfast at any time of the day (yum), OJ, Lemonade, Carbs, Cupcakes, Steak and Cheese and Salad.

I also ate my first fast food hamburger  ever.... I have never liked hamburger but man it was yummy and I'm sure that wont be my last :)

What I can't wait for?
  I can't wait to get a burst of energy back, not be nauseous, feel the baby move and officially find out what I'm having ( although I know and the ultrasound tech gave her early guess and it matched my gut feeling lol I want to know 100% so I can go crazy and by my baby cute things)

First Trimester weight gain/loss?
Lost 4 pounds, Idk how

How many doctors visit so far?
I've had 3 ob visit  and one visit to the hospital for the downs test, everything looks great :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Maternity Dresses

Studded Woven Maternity Dress

Gap-Pleat sleeve dress

ASOS MATERNITY Exclusive Black Ruched Wrap Bust Dress

Here are a few of my favorite dresses, I have a couple of semi formal events coming up and so I started searching early. I found that most maternity dresses are wrap dresses or tie back under the boobs which gives a empire waist (which I'm not a fan of) These dresses are "now" and allow me to be sexy while showing off the bump.
Some Accessories to go with these dresses


13 Weeks

How far along: 13 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 4
Maternity clothes: just my B band
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: Better not that I sleep with a pillow between my legs
Best moment this week: Seeing the baby again and getting great test results for the NT Scan
Gender: Team Green but I know deep down inside what I am having
Belly button in or out?: In
Craving: Hamburger
What I miss: Feeling 100%
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex of the baby and to start feeling movement <3
Weekly Wisdom: -
Milestones: Days away from ending my first trimester :)

Your Baby: Week 13

Your fetus is forming teeth and vocal cords... savor this, their non-functional phase. Baby is approaching normal proportions, with a head now only one third the size of the body. Intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy. (Much more convenient.)