Sunday, September 19, 2010

The (Pre) Baby Bucket List!

Most of you may not know what a (pre)baby bucket list is but it's just like a regular bucket list (a list) of the things you want to do before you die... of course these are things I want to do before I have a child.  Of course if baby comes and I don't finish I can always work on them later... but I would  like to at least try to conquer some of the things I've needed to work on and now is really a great time to do these things.
Here is my list!

The (Pre) Baby Bucket List 

Eat Better
Learn to cook (or at least try)
Travel to Vegas
Over come some of my fears
Save more money
Meet a Financial Planner
Visit all my Dr.s for check-ups
 Become a happier and more positive person
Be more connected with God and my faith
Take my meds faithfully (become healthier) 
Set up Weekly/ Monthly dates with the hubs
Fully train Miley
 Save for and look into buying a house
Continue to grow Dashing Designs and Events

I know a lot of people have there own opinion about when they think I (we) are ready to reproduce but we are up for the challenge.
I don't think I should have to hold back how I feel about wanting a child just because I don't want to hear peoples remarks. 
So here's to our journey and TTC!
I just had to leave with this quote from a blog I read because it sums up so well how I feel.

"The finances aren’t perfect, the baby bucket list isn’t finished, we haven’t traveled the globe yet, nor are we nearly as mature as I would have hoped for by this age. But we’re ready. We’re up to the challenge.  I’m even up to the challenge of getting fat, hairy, and forever flatulent. I don’t mind all that and I would develop a 100 more unattractive traits and scrap the rest of the things not yet finished for one little screaming, projectile vomiting miracle of my own."-definitelymaybebaby

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